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A New Revised Reading Course In Freemasonry

Freemasonry – General Studies
1. Freemasons for Dummies
Christopher Hodapp

2. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry
S. Brent Morris

3. Questions and Answers
A. R. Chambers

4. Facts for Freemasons
H. V. B. Voorhis

5. Freemasonry Universal: A New Guide to the Masonic World
Kent Henderson and Tony Pope

6. The Masonic Scholar: A Manual of Masonic Education for the Candidate
Grand Lodge of California, F. & A.M.

7. Freemasonry Revealed
Reynold S. Davenport

8. 75 Ways to Attract and Retain New Members
Center for Leadership Studies

9. A Modern Mason Examines His Craft
L. C. Helms

10. An Approach to Lodge Officer Training
Raymond H. Bachman

11. Planning for the East
Grand Lodge of Michigan F. & A.M.

12. Masonic Education Series (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason)
Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A. M.

13. Meeting the Challenge
Wallace McLeod

14. A Commentary on the Freemasonic Ritual
E. H. Cartwright

15. Six Hundred Years of Craft Ritual
Harry Carr

Philosophy and Teachings
16. Freemasonry: Its Hidden Meaning
George H. Steinmetz

17. King Solomon’s Temple in the Masonic Tradition
Alex Horne

18. The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Manly P. Hall

19. The Phythagorean Triangle
George Oliver

20. The Spirit of Masonry
William Hutchinson

21. A Glossary of Morals and Dogma
Rex Hutchens

22. The Great Teachings of Masonry
H. L. Haywood

23. Masonic Enlightenment
Michael R. Poll

24. The Meaning of Masonry
W. L. Wilmshurst

25. The Temple that Never Sleeps
Josh Heller

Masonic Symbolism
26. Symbols of Freemasonry
Daniel Beresniak

27. Emergence of the Mystical
Henry C. Clausen

28. Freemasonry: A Journey Through Ritual and Symbol
Kirk MacNulty

29. The Way of the Craftsman
Kirk MacNulty

30. Freemasonry: Symbols, Secrets, Significance
Kirk MacNulty

31. Introduction to Freemasonry
Carl H. Claudy

32. Some Thoughts and Masonic Symbolism
C. C. Hunt

33. The Craft and its Symbols
Allen E.Roberts

Freemasonry and Religion
34. Workman Unashamed
Christopher Haffner

35. Is it True What They Say About Freemasonry
Art de Hoyos

36. The Clergy and the Craft
Forrest D. Haggard

37. The Religion of Masonry
Joseph Fort Newton

38. A Pilgrim’s Path
John J. Robinson

Masonic Biography
39. Robert Burns, the Freemason
John Weir

40. The Letters of Rudyard Kipling
Thomas Pinney

41. Brother Truman
Allen E. Roberts

42. Our Masonic Presidents
L. Randall Rogers

Freemasonry and the Arts
43. Theatre of the Fraternity
C. Lance Brockman

44. Masonic Temples
William D. Moore

45. The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s
David Ovason

46. The Craft’s Noyse: Composers Who were Freemasons
Jim Tresner

47. The Rosslyn Motet Songs of the Chartes Labyrinth
Thomas J. Mitchell

48. Rosslyn Chapel and the Music of the Cubes
Thomas J. Mitchell

49. The Magic Flute
W. A. Mozart

50. Sibelius and His Masonic Music
Hermine Weigel Williams

51. Vested in Glory
Jim Tresner

52. Bespangled, Painted and Embroidered: Decorated Masonic Aprons in America, 1790-1850
Scottish Rite Museum of Our National Heritage

Freemasonry in Fiction
53. The Man Who Would Be King
Rudyard Kipling

54. Execution Denied
H. H. Bradshaw

55. Angels and Demons
Dan Brown

56. The Da Vinci Code
Dan Brown

57. Murder in Martha’s Vineyard Lodge
Christopher Allen Knowles

58. Two Crowns for America
Katherine Kurtz

Freemasonry – Collected Works
59. Twice Told Tales
L. C. Helms

60. The Mystic Tie
Allen E. Roberts

61. Stange Masonic Stories
Alec Mellor

62. Masonic Curiosa
H. L. Haywood

63. Harry Carr’s World of Freemasonry
Harry Carr

64. How to Kick a Sacred Cow
Jerry Marsengill

65. The Grand Design
Wallace McLeod

66. A Radical in the East
S. Brent Morris

Masonic Humor
67. The Lighter Side of Masonry
S. M. L. Pollard

68. How Many Masons Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?
Martin Faulks

69. Laughter at the Festive Board
Geoffrey Bryan

Masonic History
70. The Sign and the Seal
Graham Hancock

71. The Hiram Key
Knight and Lomas

72. Solomon’s Power Brokers
Christopher Knight

73. Uriel’s Machine
Knight and Lomas

74. The Second Messiah
Knight and Lomas

75. The Origins and Freemasonry
David Stevenson

76. The First Freemasons
David Stevenson

77. The Rosslyn Hoax?
Robert L. D. Cooper