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Books Especially for the New Mason

Books Especially for the New Mason

Masonic Primers

1. Freemasons for Dummies
Christopher Hodapp

2. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry
S. Brent Morris

3. Introduction to Freemasonry
H. L. Haywood

4. The Newly-Made Mason
H. L. Haywood

5. The Builders
Joseph Fort Newton

6. The Freemason at Work
Harry Carr

Masonic Symbolism

7. Symbols of Freemasonry
Daniel Beresniak

8. Freemasonry: Symbols, Secrets, Significance
Kirk MacNulty

9. Freemasonry: A Journey Through Ritual and Symbol
Kirk MacNulty

10. Some Thoughts on Masonic Symbolism
C. C. Hunt

11. The Craft and Its Symbols
Allen E. Roberts

What Does Freemasonry Teach?

12. A Modern Mason Examines His Craft
L. C. Helms

13. Great Teachings of Masonry
H. L. Haywood

14. Freemasonry: Its Hidden Meaning
George H. Steinmetz

15. Masonic Enlightenment
Michael R. Poll

16. Everything I Need to Know About Free- masonry I Learned as an Apprentice
Stephen Dafoe


17. Six Hundred Years of Craft Ritual
Harry Carr

18. A Commentary on the Freemasonic Ritual
E. H. Cartwright

Famous Masons

19. Our Masonic Presidents
L. Randall Rogers

20. George Washington: Master Mason
Allen E. Roberts

21. Brother Truman
Allen E. Roberts

22. Mozart and Masonry
Paul Nettl

23. The Letters of Rudyard Kipling
Thomas Pinney

Freemasonry in History

24. Freemasonry in American History
Allen E. Roberts

25. A Comprehensive View of Freemasonry
Henry W. Coil

26. Revolutionary Brotherhood
Steven C. Bullock

27. American Freemasons
Mark A. Tabbert

28. Freemasonry in Iowa
Keith Arrington

Freemasonry and Religion

29. A Pilgrim’s Path
John J. Robinson

30. Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry?
Art de Hoyos